
刊讯 | 《二语写作》2020第一辑目录及摘要



Doctoral Study in Second Language Writing Studies in the United States: Some Chinese Students’ Perspectives

Tony SILVA  Cong ZHANG  Yue CHEN  Yiyang LI 

 Kai YANG  Zhaozhe WANG  Yachao SUN

Abstract: This paper presents and discusses accounts of the experiences of six Chinese students doing doctoral study in the area of second language writing at a large research university in the United States. The accounts address several themes, including teaching first year composition, learning in and beyond the classroom, the processes and role of research, personal and professional relationships, challenges faced and the strategies used to respond to these challenges, and the importance of the concept of autonomy in graduate studies. It is hoped that this paper will be of interest and use to readers who are contemplating following in their footsteps, who are curious about their experience in the program, and who have themselves already studied in the US and would like to compare their experience.

Keywords: second language writing studies; Chinese students; doctoral study

Designing Keystroke Logging Research in Writing Studies


Abstract: As typing has become more and more our preferred way of text production, keystroke logging has become one of the major observation tools used in writing process research. It allows for fine grained data collection without intruding into the writers’ activities or influencing the writing dynamics. This article describes how keystroke logging—more specifically Inputlog—can be used in writing process research. We elucidate the research flow, starting from the data collection over the data analysis (including pre-processing and merging), and end with some suggestions on how to report findings using different visualizations. We illustrate this research flow by highlighting a few basic analyses that are provided in Inputlog. The article closes with a brief preview on future perspectives on keystroke logging.

Keywords: keystroke logging; writing processes; writing research methods; pause analysis; cognitive processes

L1 Effects on L2 Written Production in Mindbodyworld Alignment

Yachao SUN  Ge LAN

Abstract: This article reports on a case study showcasing how first language (L1) is used to achieve and maintain alignment in the process of EAL writing and discussing how L1 influences second language (L2) written production in mindbodyworld (MBW) alignment. The conference proposal writing process of two doctoral students whose L1 is Mandarin was recorded to investigate how they used their L1 to negotiate and construct meanings and how their L1 use made effects on L2 written production. Results showed that L1 as a resource meshed with other language, semiotic, and environmental resources to increase cognitive awareness, express social intentions, and adapt to the dynamic context for meaning-making. The meshing of language, other semiotic, and environmental resources facilitates MBW alignment, which further contributes to the process of EAL writing. The findings indicate that viewing EAL writing as mindbodyworld alignment is conducive to helping writers utilize various repertoires (including both language and other semiotic repertoires), realize and understand the importance of environmental affordances, and increase rhetorical sensibilities in the process of EAL writing. In addition, the findings also denote the importance of oral resources for written production.

Keywords: EAL writing; alignment; L1 use; L2 written production


刘应亮  郭小凤  连丽萍




张春红  何武




毕美芳  芮燕萍




王颖  陈华







First-Year Writing Instructors’ Perceived Challenges in Working with International Second Language Writers: An Institutional Survey Study

Zhaozhe WANG

Abstract: Despite the apparent demographic changes that take place in writing classrooms and consistent scholarly advocacy of more inclusive research and pedagogical practices, writing programs in US colleges in general seem less responsive in providing writing instructors with adequate professional support. This is mainly caused by a lack of thorough understanding of the challenges that first-year writing (FYW) instructors encounter, confront, or avoid when teaching L2 writers. This institutional survey study explores FYW instructors’ preparation for teaching international L2 writers, challenges encountered in doing so, and their ways of responding to the perceived challenges at an internationalized university in the US employing a variety of questions ranging from instructors’ professional preparation to perceived challenges, the comprehensive survey elicited responses from 27 instructors from different linguistic, cultural, and disciplinary backgrounds. The findings show that although the majority of the instructors have at least one year of experience working with L2 writers, some of them have never received formal training. Further, the instructors experienced various challenges related to L2 writers, and employed a range of instructional strategies and techniques in response to the perceived challenges. Suggestions are offered for writing program administrators (WPAs) who wish to develop faculty support programs against the backdrop of the continual internationalization of writing programs.

Keywords: institutional survey; instructor perception; US writing programs; teacher training



