
专著推荐 |Translational Spaces Towards a Chinese-Western Convergence

The following article is from 翻译学通讯 Author 通讯君

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通讯君与Routledge合作推广语言学及应用语言学研究著作Translational Spaces:Towards a Chinese-Western Convergence

ISBN 9780367654788

Published December 30, 2020 by Routledge

Copyright 2021




This book explores the concept of space, or rather spaces, in relation to translation, to construct a conceptual framework for research to better understand and solve translation problems. A number of interrelated spatial perspectives on translation supported by empirical evidence are presented to help better understand the complexities between China and West in cultural exchanges and to offer a way of explaining what happens to translation and why it takes on a particular form. In the chequered history of Chinese-Western cultural exchange, effective communication has remained a great challenge exacerbated by the ultimate inescapability of linguistic and cultural incommensurability. It is therefore necessary to develop conceptual tools that can help shed light on the interactive association between performativity and space in translation. Despite the unfailing desire to connect with the world, transnational resistance is still underway in China. Further attempts are required to promote a convergence of Chinese and Western translation theories in general and to confront problems arising from translation practice in particular. This work will be of interest to students and scholars in translation studies around the world, as well as those working in cultural studies and cross-cultural communication studies.

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Yifeng Sun is Chair Professor of Translation Studies in the Department of English and Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Macau. He is also an Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland, and serves as Editor-in-Chief of Babel: International Journal of Translation.


Introduction 1

1 Translation and spaces 10

2 Distance and temporality 30

3 Cosmopolitan space and transnational resistance 48

4 Translation and world literature 69

5 Spatial translatability 91

6 Multicultural contextual spaces 109

7 Spatial trajectories of “back” translation 129

8 Deconstruction and translation research 146

9 Empowering translation 165

Conclusion 186

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