
China Customs Issues new Health Declaration for Int'l travelers

海关发布 ijobheadhunter 2023-09-19

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In order to further coordinate efforts in epidemic prevention and control and facilitate the movement of people, the General Administration of Customs has optimized and adjusted the content of health declarations, resulting in the creation of the 11th edition of the "People's Republic of China Entry/Exit Health Declaration Card," which officially went live and became effective at 00:00 on September 16th.

Travelers entering or exiting the country can submit their declarations through various channels, such as mobile phones and other smart devices, using WeChat mini-programs, Alipay mini-programs, internet web pages, and the Customs mobile app. For individuals who are unable to submit their declarations through mobile devices, they can do so on-site at the port through self-service declaration and verification machines or by using paper health declaration cards.


The new version of the health declaration card has different declaration items for different scenarios, including entry, exit, and individuals traveling to China's Hong Kong and Macau. It has removed certain declaration content, such as place of residence and flight seat number, and simplified the requirements for reporting travel history and contact information. The optimized entry declaration content has been reduced from 18 items to 10, exit declaration content from 17 items to 9, and content for individuals traveling to Hong Kong and Macau from 11 items to 9.

Customs reminds all inbound and outbound travelers that truthful declaration is a legal obligation for them. For the sake of your own health and the health of others, please diligently and truthfully complete the health declaration card in accordance with the requirements of the Chinese Customs. Any concealment or false reporting that leads to the spread of quarantine infectious diseases or poses a serious transmission risk will be pursued for legal responsibilities.

Source:海关发布,海关启用优化后的新版健康申明卡,进一步便利人员通关往来,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/g0XxT2D0wLGuMOi0ZRFGhA;海关总署,General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, http://www.customs.gov.cn/customs/302249/index.html

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