
第一次经历美国选举系统 - 沃伦郡选举委员会之旅

Katie Wang APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20

我从来没想到选举会如此有趣。在我看来,选举就是无聊地数一大堆纸。参观了沃伦县选举委员会,了解选举如何运作, 并目睹了沃伦郡选举委员会如何计算选票,汇总数据等内容, 我的想法全改变了。

当我们走进委员会前门时,受到不同党派代表的热烈欢迎,包括民主党主任Brian Sleeth和共和党的副主任Shari Huff。他们向我们提供了有关双方参与选举的信息。Brian Sleeth先生告诉我们,即使他们支持不同的政党,根据联邦和州法律,他们都必须参与决策制定,以避免任何偏见、偏差导致不公平的选举结果。

Brian Sleeth先简要介绍了联邦,州和地方选票法和取得公平选举结果的重要性。

他们带我们参观了选举过程,看看幕后发生了什么。我没想到选举结果取决于眼前的这个巨大机器。我已经在电视上看过这些过程,但是一切就在我眼前时,我有了崭新的体验。 Sleeth展示了这台机器如何计票, 选票是如何计算的,以及整个过程是如何不断被改进的。他在机器内放置了一些样本选票。这台机器在不到60秒内计算了1000张选票!他比较了他们不得不手工计票的20世纪50年代。那时,不得不用手算每张选票。通过这台机器,一大堆选票在几秒钟内消失。他还解释说,他们必须仔细检查机器是否正确,以及是否有不正确的标记,以确保计算是正确的。



First experience with American Voting System

- A Tour to Warren County Board of Elections

by Katie Wang

I never thought elections could be so intriguing.  In my opinion, an election is about counting tons of ballots, which seems pretty boring.  Then I took a tour of the Warren County Board of Elections where all the magic happens, and witnessed how to count the votes, compile the data and so on at the Warren County Board of Elections.

When we walked in the front door,  we were warmly greeted by two amazing people that represent the two different parties: Brian Sleeth, Director of the Democratic party, and Deputy Director, Shari Huff, who represents the Republican party.  They gave us information regarding both parties involvement in elections. Mr. Sleeth informed us, that even though they support different parties, according to the federal and state laws, they both must be involved in decision making in order to avoid any bias.  Biases can lead to unfair election results.

Director Brian Sleeth gave us a brief introduction to the importance of federal, state, and local ballot laws and obtaining fair results.

The Directors took us on a tour to witness  what goes on behind the scenes. I didnt expect that election results depend on the enormous machine I saw.  I have seen these processes on TV, but this was right in front of my  eyes, giving me a great learning experience. Director Sleeth showed how this machine, which benefits them through the counting of ballots. He better demonstrated  how the ballots are counted, and how this process has been improving throughout history. He placed some sample ballots inside the machine.  I witnessed how fast this machine counted 1000 ballots less than 60 seconds! He compared that to the 1950s when they had to hand counted ballot. where you had to hand count it one by one. Through this machine, a whole stack of ballots would be gone in just a few seconds. He also explained that they always have to make sure that the machine is correct by double checking how accurate the machine was and if there were any incorrect markings.

At the end, Director Sleeth has also made a clear statement that high school seniors are allowed to participate/ volunteer in civic activities that can benefit them in many ways. This made everyone really excited because doing something great for your community gives you a great feeling. I know I am a 6 grader now, and have quite a few years to go, but I can use the time to learn and build myself. By the time I am a senior in high school, Ill be be fully ready!

Its an amazing experience! I cherish this experience APAPA provided to our youth members, this is our first experience with American voting system. Today, I have witnessed it, and am here to tell everyone that every vote truly counts, your vote is important, and should be heard by many! Someday, maybe it is your vote that changes the history. Please vote!

About Author: Katie Wang, William Mason Intermediate School 6th grade student, APAPA Ohio Youth member and APAPA Cincy Youth Chapter Board Member.


  1. 一次独特的春假行 — 参观选举委员会

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  5. 2017亚裔峰会给我的体验

  6. 超越自我(Beyond Our Boundaries)

  7. 拥抱我们的差异

  8. 我的难忘经历 – 参加Beyond Our Boundaries青年峰会

关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:apapa.org。俄亥俄华人协会(Ohio Chinese American Association ,OCAA)是一个在俄亥俄注册的非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org

