

ai汤源 AI范儿 2023-08-21
原作|Jeremy Howard


语言兼具限制和解放之源。GPT-4 则将这一想法推向了极致,让我们可以进入语言的无限之境。    


“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein

但是,如果有办法逃出这座监狱,扩大我们的地图,用新词探索新世界呢?这是 GPT 4 等指令调整语言模型带来的可能性和挑战,GPT-4 是一种使用人工神经网络根据用户提示词输入生成自然语言文本的尖端技术。  

GPT-4 可以写任何东西,从散文到小说到诗歌到推文到代码到食谱到笑话到歌词到任何你想要的东西。它甚至可以写出尚不存在的东西,人类从未想过或说过的东西。  

正如维特根斯坦的话所暗示的那样,语言是限制和解放的源泉。GPT-4 将这一想法推向了极致,让我们得以进入语言的无限之境。   



该技术是“人工智能”的一种形式。“智能”一词源自 inter-(“之间”)和 legere(“选择、挑选、阅读”)。那么,所谓智能就是能够在事物之间做出选择,挑选出重要的东西,阅读所写的东西。智力不仅仅是数量或质量;它是一种活动、一种过程、一种实践。这是我们用思想和语言做的事情。  

但是当我们让 GPT-4 为我们做这件事时,我们不是在放弃我们的智慧吗?难道我们没有放弃选择、挑选、阅读的能力吗?我们不是变成了语言的被动消费者而不是主动的生产者吗?  



啊哈,但这就是问题所在:为以上这段“超越维特根斯坦的墙”的语言探索奠定基础的每一个词都不是我亲手写的(或者更确切地说,是键盘),而是由 Bing 的聊天机器人(使用 GPT-4)写的。由此,我们发现自己陷入了一个元语言难题的阵痛中,因为我们讨论的主题自身已经悄悄地融入了谈话中。  




最后,GPT-4 给我们带来了一个悖论。一方面,它有可能扩大我们的语言视野并打破限制我们的墙壁。另一方面,它提出了关于智力、创造力的本质以及对于人类的意义的问题。当我们深入研究语言的未知领域时,我们必须注意拥抱创新和保持我们自己的智力自主之间的微妙平衡。  

因此,挑战在于将 GPT-4 用作我们自身成长和探索的催化剂,而不是替代我们自己的思想。通过以好奇心、谦逊和对道德考虑的承诺来接触这项技术,我们可以冒险超越维特根斯坦的围墙,并在语言、思想和人类潜能方面开辟新的领域。     


实际上,以上整篇文章都是由 GPT-4 所写。我创建这篇文章是因为我还没有看到模型生成的好散文看起来是像什么样子,同时因为我想尝试一下使用 GPT 创建整篇文章的想法.     


        起草写一个四段组成的介绍文章,该文章解释了 GPT 4 等指令调整语言模型的功能。以古典哲学家或作家的名言开头,并将对名言的引用融入到介绍中。”



        然后我根据这个提示再次开始一个新的会话,在提示之后粘贴文章:“输入的文本是一篇缺少最后一节的文章。请以 Jeremy Howard 的风格写下 2 个可能的最后部分,每个部分 2-3 段。”

然后我删除了一些从句和句子,但除了在“Bing”之后添加文本“(使用 GPT-4)”之外,我没有以任何方式修改它们中的任何一个。我还手动创建了 Bing 建议我使用的图像并将其粘贴到文章中。    

GPT 在最后写的警告,“那么,挑战是使用 GPT 4 作为我们自己成长和探索的催化剂,而不是作为我们自己思想的替代品”,感觉就像是对这篇文章的警告。它最终朝着我没有真正计划的方向前进,事后看来,我现在完全不确定它是否有助于我的探索,或者取代了我自己的想法。  


💡 原作者脚注



GPT 4 and the Uncharted Territories of Language

Language is a source of limitation and liberation. GPT-4 pushes this idea to the extreme by giving us access to unlimited language.

Beyond Wittgenstein’s Walls

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language is like a map that we use to navigate the world, but it’s also like a prison that keeps us from seeing what’s beyond the walls.
But what if there was a way to break out of this prison, to expand our map, to explore new worlds with new words? This is the possibility and the challenge offered by instruction tuned language models like GPT-4, a cutting-edge technology that uses artificial neural networks to generate natural language texts based on user inputs.
GPT-4 can write anything from essays to novels to poems to tweets to code to recipes to jokes to lyrics to whatever you want. It can even write things that don’t exist yet, things that no human has ever thought of or said before.  
As Wittgenstein’s quote suggests, language is a source of limitation and liberation. GPT 4 pushes this idea to the extreme by giving us access to unlimited language.
This could be the most significant new technology in modern history because it has the potential to change many domains and industries. From education to entertainment, from journalism to justice, from science to art, these models could enable new forms of learning, storytelling, reporting, reasoning, discovery, and creation.
They could also create new ethical, social, and cultural challenges that require careful reflection and regulation. How we use this technology will depend on how we recognize its implications for ourselves and others.  
This technology is a form of “Artificial Intelligence”. The word “intelligence” derives from inter- (“between”) and legere (“to choose, pick out, read”). To be intelligent, then, is to be able to choose between things, to pick out what matters, to read what is written. Intelligence is not just a quantity or a quality; it is an activity, a process, a practice. It is something that we do with our minds and our words.  
But when we let GPT 4 do this for us, are we not abdicating our intelligence? Are we not letting go of our ability to choose, to pick out, to read? Are we not becoming passive consumers of language instead of active producers?  

Just doing what I’m told…       

I didn’t write that

Ah, but here’s the rub: the very words that have set the stage for this linguistic exploration were penned not by my own hand (or, rather, keyboard), but by the digital tendrils of Bing (which uses GPT-4). And so, we find ourselves in the throes of a meta-linguistic conundrum, as the very subject of our discussion has surreptitiously insinuated itself into the conversation.  
Now, bear with me, for I have a purpose in revealing this sly subterfuge. My aim is to shatter the very expectations you hold about what language model-generated text looks like, feels like, and, indeed, reads like. For if you’ve made it this far, you’ve unwittingly been drawn into the web of AI-generated prose.  
Perhaps it is only in grappling with the uncanny valley of language that we may find the strength to redefine our own linguistic boundaries and catch a fleeting glimpse of the world beyond the walls.  


In the end, GPT-4 presents us with a paradox. On one hand, it has the potential to expand our linguistic horizons and shatter the walls that confine us. On the other hand, it raises questions about the very nature of intelligence, creativity, and what it means to be human. As we delve deeper into the uncharted territories of language, we must be mindful of the delicate balance between embracing innovation and preserving our own intellectual autonomy.  
The challenge, then, is to use GPT-4 as a catalyst for our own growth and exploration, rather than as a substitute for our own minds. By approaching this technology with curiosity, humility, and a commitment to ethical considerations, we can venture beyond Wittgenstein’s walls and chart new territories in language, thought, and human potential.       

I didn’t write that either 

Actually, the entire article above was written by GPT-4. I created this article because I haven’t seen good examples of what model-generated prose can look like, and because I wanted to experiment with the idea of creating an entire article using GPT-4.  

💡 To create it, I used the following four prompts: 

        “Write a four paragraph introduction to a draft New Yorker article which explains the capabilities of instruction tuned language models such as GPT-4. Begin with a quote from a classical philosopher or writer, and weave references to the quote into the introduction.”

        “Write four more paragraphs of this article, discussing the pros and cons of this technology. Incorporate the latin, french, or greek etymology of some word related to the topic and weave it into the article.” 

        Then I started a new session, and requested: “In a completely different writing style to the introduction, following the style of David Foster Wallace, complete the following article by explaining that it was actually generated by Bing.” I then pasted the draft article into the prompt. 

        Then I started a new session again with this prompt, pasting the article after the prompt: “The input text is an article which is missing the final section. Please write, in the style of Jeremy Howard, 2 possible final sections of 2-3 paragraphs each. “

I then deleted some clauses and sentences, but I didn’t otherwise modify any of them in any way, except to add the text “(which uses GPT-4)” after “Bing”. I also manually created the image which Bing suggested I use and pasted it into the article.
The warning that GPT wrote at the end, “the challenge, then, is to use GPT 4 as a catalyst for our own growth and exploration, rather than as a substitute for our own minds” feels like a warning to me about this article. It ended up heading in a direction that I didn’t really plan, and in hindsight I’m now not at all sure whether it helped my exploration, or substituted for my own mind.  
In the end, this experiment has only left me feeling more confused and uneasy.   

💡 Footnote

There’s this formulaic thing used in a certain class of articles where they’ll open with a quote from an institutionally-approved writer and signal their status in other ways, such as by weaving in latin etymology. It’s a form of gate-keeping, and therefore I don’t like it, and I wanted to break it down. That’s why I picked the first two prompts. Now you can (at least roughly) mimic any writing style, as long as you can describe it, even if you’re not immersed in the culture that it’s associated with. This will make certain people really mad.


参考二、 维特根斯坦:学习ChatGpt绕不开的天才

 💡 维特根斯坦:学习ChatGpt绕不开的天才

维特根斯坦Ludwig Wittgenstein说过一句名言,语言的边界即世界的边界:The limits of my language mean the limits of my world。🗺️🌍

ChatGpt 是先进的自然语言处理技术,能够模拟人类的对话和语言处理能力,而维特根斯坦的哲学思想也对我们学习ChatGpt,尤其是prompt engineering有很大意义。🤖💬📝💭


理解维特根斯坦的哲学思想,也是我理解ChatGPT AI精髓的必读资料。他认为语言是一种游戏,而其实ChatGpt的本质也是一种语言游戏,它需要理解人类的语言,模拟人类的对话和思维方式,才能达到预期的效果,就是我们说所的AI PROMPT ENGINEERING 🎲🧠🕹️💻

学习维特根斯坦思想可以帮助我们更深刻地理解ChatGpt AI的本质,更好地掌握ChatGpt AI的应用技巧。👨‍🏫🤖🤔💡



接着让我谈谈🤔 Wittgenstein的哲学思想和GPT语言之间的关系:

GPT-3是一种机器学习模型 🤖,它是基于大量文本训练的📚,并没有与人类相同的语言和上下文理解能力😔;虽然GPT-3可以生成看起来连贯而有意义的文本📝,并与人类进行交流💬,但它并不具备人类对世界和概念的相同理解水平🌎。因此,它不能完全捕捉Wittgenstein关注的语言和含义的细微差别😬,需要我们tuning prompt🎛️;






