
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Target2022年第1期目录

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2023-03-04









Hawins研究了奥地利著名哲学家卡尔·波普尔的学术著作自译观念,通过调查波普尔与其他哲学译者的来往书信,归纳出译者的哲学翻译观。Pasmatzi的研究很有意思,英语语境下书写的希腊内战著作再翻译成希腊文传播到希腊,他把这种现象被称为“文化遣返这一过程难免有审美、意识形态等因素的制约。作者通过布迪厄的社会学理论以及叙事学理论对“文化遣返”这一现象进行了研究。 事实上,中国语境下也有不少所谓“文化遣返”的翻译现象,比如林语堂英语书写作品的汉语翻译。我国学者王宏印耿雪等人很早发现了该现象,并提出了无本回译的概念,即译者将作者运用外语创作的中国题材作品回译成汉语并返销给中国读者或汉语读者的行为或这一行为的结果。Pasmatzi的社会翻译学的研究方法对我们继续研究无本回译也有较好的启发意义。




本文编辑:王峰 语言学通讯


Target 摘要


Message from the editor pp. 1–2


“Good translating is very hard work”: Karl Popper, translation theorist in spite of himselfSpencer Hawkins | pp. 3–36

摘要:Upon immigrating to New Zealand in 1937, Austrian-born philosopher of science Karl Raimund Popper lived and worked in the English-speaking world, where he published his major works in English. Life events forced him to engage in various forms of self-translation around the same time that he began earnestly working on translating Presocratic philosophical fragments into English. While he rejected language wholesale as an object of philosophical reflection, translation became an exception, a privileged occasion for philosophical reflection on language. This article reads Popper’s thoughts on translation in the context of previously unpublished correspondence between Popper and potential translators of Conjectures and Refutations (1963, third edition 1968) from English to German. The article thereby mediates the tension between Popper’s outspokenly perfectionistic demands on potential translators and his general thesis that scientific or philosophical language need only be as precise as the problem at hand requires

Theorising translation as a process of ‘cultural repatriation’: A promising merger of narrative theory and Bourdieu’s theory of cultural transferKalliopi Pasmatzi | pp. 37–66

摘要:This article scrutinises instances where translation corresponds to what I call ‘cultural repatriation’, through the examination of two Anglophone novels about the Greek civil war and their transfer into Greece. Translation as repatriation concentrates on works which are, effectively, repatriated into their original context and made vulnerable to its aesthetic and socio-ideological encounters. The translation of Gage’s Eleni (1983a) and de Bernières’s Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (1994) into Greek constitutes cultural repatriation as cultural representations in the works are constructed through a ‘foreign gaze’ and rendered problematic upon transfer. Within this context, I examine how specific strategies in the promotion, translation, and consumption of these works challenge or reinforce hegemonic versions and narrative modes of the historical narrative and lead to a renegotiation of the cultural categories constructed in them. Methodologically, the article combines Bourdieu’s sociology and narrative theory creating a robust framework for the study of cultural repatriation.

On norms and taboo: An analysis of professional subtitling through data triangulation Catarina Xavier | pp. 67–97

摘要:Within Audiovisual Translation Studies, many studies have been dedicated to the subtitling of taboo words. Most of this research has been restricted to quantitative and qualitative data about translation strategies, with comparably less attention given to translation norms. As norms cannot be directly observed, their investigation raises methodological challenges for empirical studies. This paper proposes a model for the investigation of translation norms by triangulating data on observed regularities in the English to Portuguese subtitling of taboo words in a corpus of movies broadcast on Portuguese FTA (free-to-air, open-signal) television between 2001 and 2015, with questionnaire data on subtitlers’ attitudes towards the subtitling of taboo words on television. The results enable the identification of the most frequent subtitling strategies, their possible motivations, and the relevance of two contextual variables (time period and channel typology). Using the results, a (potential) norm regarding the subtitling of taboo words in Portugal is formulated. However, some of the data, both textual and extratextual, raise the question of whether there is also a competing norm at play.

Simple and complex cognitive modelling in oblique translation strategies in a corpus of English–Spanish drama film titles María Sandra Peña-Cervel and Carla Ovejas-Ramírez | pp. 98–129

摘要:This article provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the translation of English drama film titles into Peninsular Spanish, drawing on cognitive modelling and following preliminary findings in Peña-Cervel (2016). Our study is consistent with the epistemological and ontological grounding of Cognitive Linguistics (Samaniego-Fernández 2007) and contributes to satisfying one of the major challenges Rojo-López and Ibarretxe-Antuñano (2013a, 10) identify for present-day Translation Studies: To reveal the conceptual substratum that guides the translation process. Our approach does not rely on an exhaustive classification of clear-cut and well-defined translation techniques, but rather on a broad distinction between direct and oblique strategies. We demonstrate how the notion of cognitive operation, as proposed by Ruiz de Mendoza-Ibáñez and Galera-Masegosa (2014), can help elucidate the sometimes seemingly arbitrary relationship between original English titles and their counterparts in Spanish, especially in cases of traditionally so-called free translations. Stands-for relations, such as expansion and reduction, are shown to play a fundamental role in the translation process and the fruitful combination of cognitive operations into conceptual complexes is explored. Our study attempts to go beyond descriptive adequacy in order to achieve explanatory adequacy.

An intermodal approach to cohesion in constrained and unconstrained language Marta Kajzer-Wietrzny | pp. 130–162

摘要:This article investigates cohesion in the spoken and written registers of constrained language varieties to highlight the similarities and differences in the cohesion patterns of mediated (i.e., interpreted and translated) and non-native texts with respect to original texts produced by native speakers. In particular, it examines how different types of cohesive devices are distributed across spoken and written native, non-native, and mediated speeches originally delivered impromptu and read out at the plenary sessions of the European Parliament. The dataset comes from the European Translation and Interpreting Corpus (EPTIC) (Ferraresi and Bernardini 2019). The context provides a rare opportunity to examine the spoken and written registers of professional communication, both mono- and multilingual, in a relatively homogenous setting. First, in the exploratory analysis, I investigate the distribution of different types of cohesive devices across the investigated varieties drawing on mosaic plots and correspondence analysis. Thereafter, I make use of regression modelling of the overall frequency of cohesive devices across the examined varieties to evaluate the effect of constrainedness, mode of delivery, and individual variation. The results indicate that non-native and mediated texts do diverge from native production in the use of cohesive devices, but in different ways.


Leah Gerber & Lintao Qi, eds. A Century of Chinese Literature in Translation (1919–2019): English Publication and Reception Reviewed by Quangong Feng | pp. 163–167

Lieven D’hulst & Kaisa Koskinen, eds. Translating in Town: Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century Reviewed by Yuxia Gao and Riccardo Moratto | pp. 168–173

本文编辑:王峰 语言学通讯

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