
专著推荐 | 数字多模态作文:第二语言习得理论、研究与实践的结合(2024年新书)


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Digital Multimodal Composing

Connecting Theory, Research and Practice in Second Language Acquisition

ISBN: 9781800410428
出版社: Mutilingual Matters

作者:Matt Kessler

Matt Kessler is Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of South Florida, USA. His research focuses on issues pertaining to second language writing, genre-based teaching and learning and computer-assisted language learning. He is the co-editor of Conducting Genre-Based Research in Applied Linguistics: A Methodological Guide (Routledge, 2024).




本书全面概述了应用语言学的研究,涉及数字多模态写作(DMC)和第二语言(L2)写作的交叉点。它从理论和方法论上介绍了支持DMC使用的关键理论和学术,以及在L2写作课堂中采用DMC的实用教学技巧和工具。本书是第一本提炼该领域当前研究的章节,包括涉及学生 DMC 写作过程研究的章节、DMC 对 L2 学习影响的证据、学生和教师的看法以及 DMC 如何影响各种个体差异,如动机、元认知和身份发展。本书为应用语言学和相关领域的研究生和教师(研究人员、教师培训师或语言教师)提供了有用的资源。它对那些在第二语言习得、计算机辅助语言学习和二语写作等子领域工作的人来说尤其重要。

This book provides a comprehensive overview of research in applied linguistics involving the intersection of digital multimodal composing (DMC) and second language (L2) writing. It presents a theoretically and methodologically diverse introduction to key theories and scholarship supporting DMC's use, along with practical pedagogical tips and tools for adopting DMC in the L2 writing classroom. This text is the first of its kind to distil current research in the area, including chapters that address research on students' DMC writing processes, evidence of DMC's impact on L2 learning, students' and teachers' perceptions and how DMC affects various individual differences such as motivation, metacognition and identity development. This book serves as a useful resource for both graduate students and faculty in applied linguistics and related fields who are researchers, teacher trainers or language instructors. It is particularly relevant for those working in subfields such as second language acquisition, computer-assisted language learning and L2 writing.


The combination of multiple sensory and communicative modes to create meaning is a familiar feature of modern life and contemporary education, and there are few better introductions to the topic than this. Kessler explores the diverse theories, approaches and methodologies used to conduct multimodal research and offers insightful practical tips for teachers using multimodal composing in L2 classrooms.

Ken Hyland, University of East Anglia, UK

This monograph delves into the dynamic intersection of digital multimodal composing (DMC) and second language acquisition, seamlessly connecting theory, research, and practice. Written in a clear and accessible manner, the book provides innovative insights into DMC scholarship and its pedagogical applications. It is an essential read for anyone interested in the transformative realm of language acquisition in the digital age.

Mimi Li, Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA



Part 1: Introduction and Theoretical Support

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Key Theories and Concepts

Part 2: Research On DMC and Language Learning

Chapter 3: Writing Processes

Chapter 4: Outcomes and Evidence of Learning

Chapter 5: Teachers' and Students' Perceptions

Chapter 6: Individual Differences

Part 3: Pedagogical Applications

Chapter 7: DMC Tasks and Activities

Chapter 8: Assessment

Chapter 9: Conclusion and Future Research Directions




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