

Catherine Guo 法嘉LAWPLUS 2022-04-10


The law profession market reported a speedy recovery amid a largely contained pandemic within China. The first half of 2021 saw massive capital flow into the burgeoning sectors of the internet, medical appliances, biopharmaceutical, e-commerce, electronics and semiconductors, autonomous navigation and vehicles powered by renewable energy. Didi Chuxing went public in New York in June, and on December 3 announced a delisting plan and an IPO plan in Hong Kong. China’s capital market has been rationalized by a range of antitrust and data compliance investigations targeting the internet sector as well as by guidelines and regulations regarding financial supervision. We expect steady increases in positions offered by foreign-funded companies and law firms as China is still one of the leading markets for investment.

2022年外部环境不容乐观,全球疫情持续,美国加息和俄乌战争,使得整个2022年的上半年的国内经济增长情况暂不明朗。国内原计划于美股上市企业的观望和停滞,港股上市的大排长队,港股部分行业上市即破发,科创板的发行门槛和审查力度,使得民营企业和创新企业的上市和融资的节奏进一步趋缓。但2022年法律市场依旧活跃。在知识产权(专利申请,专利诉讼,品牌保护,商标注册,打假,技术许可),投资与并购(PE buyout, 外资主导的cross-bound M&A),A股上市,数据保护与信息安全,合规与金融监管等方面需求量快速增长。

However, a raging pandemic across the globe, US interest rate raises and the Ukraine crisis will make first-half economic growth unpredictable. Chinese companies with US IPO plans take a wait-and-see approach; Hong Kong IPOs wait in an extended line; some Hong Kong IPOs traded below the offering price on the first day; China’s Science and Technology Innovation Board has tightened its threshold to and review of new IPOs. All this has slowed IPO and financing plans of privately-owned companies and innovative ones. But the law profession market will remain vigorous, with rising demand for intellectual property (application, litigation, brand protection, trademark registration, anti-fraud campaigns, technology licensing), investment and M&A (PE buyout and foreign capital-led cross-border M&A), A-share IPOs, data protection and information security, compliance and financial regulation.


Outlook for law profession market 2022

  • 外资企业法务团队趋于饱和和团队年轻化:团队稳定,合理流动,成员年轻化

  • Fewer offers and younger staff at foreign law firms: stable teams, reasonable turnover, younger staff.

  • 内资企业人才缺口仍然还在:市场上缺乏有综合能力(专业,情商,创业精神和战略思维-懂行业懂趋势)的第一把管理人才。内资企业法务的工作确实不好做,但是仍是国内未来法律市场发展的趋势

  • Professional shortfall at Chinese law firms: there is always a shortfall in all-round executives with professionalism, high EQ, entrepreneurship, strategic thinking and visionary understanding of the industry). Being in-house is no easy job but this is where the future of China’s law profession market lies.

  • 知识产权人才缺口:随着科技创新的高速发展,专利和品牌保护将需要更多的本土化和国际化知识产权人才

  • Shortfall in IP professionals: technological advances are pushing up demand for professionals specializing in domestic and international IP for protection of patents and brands.

  • 数据合规:无论内资,外资,企业和律所,无论是本土还是全球的数据合规人才需求都有巨大缺口。

  • Data compliance: there is a big shortfall in domestic and international professionals specializing in data compliance across domestic and foreign-funded companies and law firms.

  • 律师事务所初中年级的律师缺口:投资并购,上市,数据保护与合规,反垄断,金融监管与合规

  • Sectors where junior/mid-level lawyers fall short: M&A, IPO, data protection and compliance, antitrust, financial regulation and compliance.


We are expectant of the second half of 2022, which will brim with challenges and opportunities. Technical innovation has brought promising technology and patents and has also galvanized the Chinese market of IP professionals. Domestic law firms continue to struggle with luring professionals for a few reasons, such as inadequate understanding of the value of legal service, transient salary gaps, unavailability of qualified professionals and role transfers.


According to the general counsel of a privately-owned Chinese internet company with an IPO plan, being in-house at a foreign company is pleasant because you can either provide clear-cut advice or feel frustrated, whereas privately-owned companies provide a platform for the rapid growth of in-house counsels. At the latter, sometimes you have to understand the business (even more than your business colleagues), sometimes you are a manager (your boss expect you to understand the industry and strategy; not just a lawyer), sometimes you are a warrior (on the frontline and also backup), and you also need grayscale (perform legal expertise). At a privately-owned company, you should delay your satisfaction because your destiny is tied with your company (to share the laughter and pain together).

经纬创投的张颖2021年底在《给技术背景的创始人的9条建议》中提到:“相信专业的力量,相信前置的严谨能避免很多坑。先知识产权,后论文。”这些都是非常契合本土企业和人才发展的中肯建议。和国际知名的大公司相比,中国公司在法律合规和知识产权方面的重视程度和团队建设还远远不够。他们的作用不仅仅在保护企业自身健康有序发展,同时也成为企业保护自身的武器 。有些公司觉得我现在规模还小,有些公司觉得我不上市就不需要律师或者法务,还有些企业觉得我不做国际业务就没有这些法律合规风险。但问题就是问题,总会有一天爆发出来,未来这些问题也极有可能给这些企业带来致命的打击和损失,甚至企业的部分高管也会承担个人相应的民事甚至刑事责任。

Writing in late 2021 about nine suggestions for entrepreneurs with technical background, Zhang Ying of Matrix Partners China argued “trust your professionalism; early precaution gets you out of traps” and “IP first, thesis later” – informed tips for domestic companies and talents. Compared with global multinationals, Chinese companies lag far behind in terms of legal compliance, IP protection and team building, all of which are essential to corporate growth and protection. Some companies do not use lawyers or in-house counsels simply because they are small; some cite no plan for IPO or no international business. But a crisis breaks out ultimately, and may even be deadly – senior executives may be held accountable for civil or even criminal responsibility.


Law profession remuneration trends 2022


Report on Corporate and Financial In-house Remuneration 2022


Corporate in-house: remuneration rationalized and domestic-foreign gap narrowed


Slow capital movements explain the small changes in corporate in-house and financial in-house. Those seeking a new job expect a fairly rational 15-25% salary increase. Entrepreneurs want prospective partners to have long-term visions rather than short-term benefits and to look to long-term growth with delayed satisfaction. They also expect prospective partners to exchange lower monetary expectations for future options and stock.


Remunerations for Corporate Legal/Compliance Consultants in Mainland China


Remunerations for Corporate Legal/Compliance Regional Directors in Mainland China


Remunerations for IP Consultants in Mainland China


Remunerations for Financial Legal/Compliance Consultants in Mainland China


Report on Law Firm Remuneration 2022


We expect corporate law firms to meet costing and profitability challenges in 2022.

  • 初中年级律师的薪资大幅提高:由于通胀和初级人才紧缺的原因,薪资战在律所聘用初中级人才的争夺上愈演愈烈,国内红圈所一年级律师的基本月薪从2021年8月至今年3月开始都陆续调整至人民币3万每个月或以上,快速得与二线律师事务所拉开薪资距离。但红圈所对候选人学历,工作或实习经验,和工作效率等方面,有更高的要求和标准。

  • Big raises for junior/mid-level lawyers: due to inflation and limited supply of talents, law firms are raising salaries for junior/mid-level professionals. The Red-Circle law firms have hiked monthly salary for first-year associates to RMB30,000, widening the gap with that offered by tier-2 law firms. Unsurprisingly, they also have tougher criteria for a candidate’s qualifications, work/internship experience and performance efficiency.

  • 初级合伙人和权益合伙人的年度创收能力

  • Profitability of junior partners and equity partners

  • 税收政策对律所利润分配的影响:使内资律师事务所用人成本大幅提升。

  • Tax policy implications for profitability: personnel costs surge at domestic law firms.


Despite big raises in Hong Kong and overseas, foreign law firms, particularly US ones, have reported only moderate pay raises in Mainland China.


Besides, Chinese regulators have imposed stricter standards on law firms. In addition to the tax business, the Big Four accounting firms have shut down their legal departments in Mainland China in accordance with local judicial regulation.



Remunerations for US/UK Law Firms 

in Mainland China

 (US-Admitted Lawyers)



Remunerations for Non-US/UK Foreign Law Firms in Mainland China

 (China-Admitted Lawyers)


Remunerations for Red Circle 

Mainland China Law Firms


Remunerations for Tier-2 

Mainland China Law Firms



Remunerations for Supporting Staff 

of Mainland China Law Firms


We will keep perfecting ourselves for the challenges and opportunities ahead in 2022!



法律招聘合伙人郭海燕Catherine GUO,Catherine.guo@wearecgl.com。












