
专著推荐 | Cognitive Communication Disorders (医学语言学系列2024年新书)

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Cognitive Communication Disorders



Cognitive Communication Disorders

出版社:Plural Publishing Inc

作者:Michael L. Kimbarow, Sarah E. Wallace
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-292-3



The fourth edition of Cognitive Communication Disorders is an essential text for graduate speech-language pathology courses on cognitively-based communication disorders. It provides vital information on the cognitive foundations of communication (attention, memory, and executive function). The book provides readers with a comprehensive theoretical and applied review of how deficits in these core cognitive abilities manifest in right hemisphere brain damage, dementia, primary progressive aphasia, concussion, and traumatic brain injury. Case studies illustrate principles of clinical management, and figures and tables facilitate understanding of neurobehavioral correlates, differential diagnoses, and other critical clinical information.

New to the Fourth Edition

  • New co-editor, Sarah E. Wallace

  • A new chapter on working with underserved populations  

  • Chapters now begin with learning objectives for an educational frame of reference for students before new material is presented

  • A glossary makes it easy to find definitions of all of the book’s key terminology

  • Updated and expanded evidence-based information on assessment and treatment of cognitive communication deficits

  • Updated case studies addressing assessment and treatment of individuals with cognitive communication disorders with attention to underserved clinical populations

  • New online ancillary resources include a test bank and sample syllabus for instructors, and a list of helpful recommended readings for students

The international roster of returning and new contributors includes Maya Albin, Margaret Lehman Blake, Jessica A. Brown, Mariana Christodoulou Devledian, Fofi Constantinidou, Petrea L. Cornwell, Heather Dial, Eduardo Europa, Kathryn Y. Hardin, Maya Henry, Ronelle Heweston, Kelly Knollman-Porter, Nidhi Mahendra, Katy H. O’Brien, Mary H. Purdy, Sarah N. Villard, Sarah E. Wallace, and Catherine Wiseman-Hakes.



  • 新任联合编辑莎拉·华莱士(Sarah E. Wallace)

  • 与服务不足的人群合作的新篇章

  • 现在,在介绍新材料之前,各章从学习目标开始,为学生提供教育参考框架

  • 词汇表可以很容易地找到本书所有关键术语的定义

  • 更新和扩展了关于认知沟通缺陷评估和治疗的循证信息

  • 更新的案例研究,涉及认知沟通障碍患者的评估和治疗,关注服务不足的临床人群

  • 新的在线辅助资源包括教师的测试库和示例教学大纲,以及为学生推荐的有用阅读材料列表


  • Preface


  • 1       Attention
    Sarah N. Villard

  • 2       Principles of Human Memory: An Integrative Clinical Neuroscience Approach
    Fofi Constantinidou and Marianna Christodoulou Devledian

  • 3       Executive Functions: Theory, Assessment and Treatment
    Mary H. Purdy and Katy H. O’Brien

  • 4       Cognitive Communication Deficits Associated with Right Hemisphere Damage
    Petrea L. Cornwell, Ronelle Hewetson, and Margaret Lehman Blake

  • 5       Primary Progressive Aphasia
    Heather Dial and Maya Henry

  • 6       Dementia: Concepts and Contemporary Practice
    Nidhi Mahendra and Eduardo Europa

  • 7       Cognitive Communication Disorders Associated With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion)
    Kathryn Y. Hardin and Catherine Wiseman-Hakes

  • 8       Traumatic Brain Injury
    Kelly Knollman-Porter, Jessica A. Brown, and Sarah E. Wallace

    9     Implementing Culturally Responsive and Trauma-Informed Care in Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders:  SLP Considerations for Marginalized and Underserved Populations
    Catherine Wiseman-Hakes, Kathryn Y. Hardin, and Maya Albin

  • Glossary

  • 医学语言学、神经语言学国际专著推荐

  • 国际物流9-12周

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