
专著推荐 | 《漫画与认知:多模态认知诗学》

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Comics and Cognition: Toward a Multimodal Cognitive Poetics


精装版 ISBN:9780197509784

出版社:  Oxford University Press

作者Mike Borkent




Comics and Cognition develops an analytical approach to multimodal communication in comics through insights from embodied cognitive science, especially cognitive linguistics and visual psychology. Mike Borkent extends previous cognitive poetic frameworks to the study of multimodality in comics, providing a cohesive analytical framework that connects comics to other literary and artistic interests. His approach highlights the embodiment of cognition, a process which structures knowledge in long term memory, and activates it through perception, mental simulation, and blending. These cognitive processes allow readers to make impressions, predictions, inferences, and eventually conclusions about a text. Many of these layers of reader comprehension are unconscious but emerge into a conscious experience of the multimodal text with a richly construed and nuanced texture.
《漫画与认知:多模态认知诗学》 通过对具身认知科学(尤其是认知语言学和视觉心理学)的见解,开发了一种漫画中多模态交流的分析方法。迈克·博肯特(Mike Borkent)将以前的认知诗学框架扩展到漫画中的多模态研究,提供了一个有凝聚力的分析框架,将漫画与其他文学和艺术兴趣联系起来。他的方法强调了认知的体现,这是一个在长期记忆中构建知识的过程,并通过感知、心理模拟和混合来激活它。这些认知过程使读者能够对文本做出印象、预测、推论并最终得出结论。这些读者理解层中的许多是无意识的,但会以丰富的解释和微妙的质地出现对多模态文本的有意识体验。

This book unpacks the dynamic interplay between the reader and the multimodal text throughout the processes of reading, including opportunities for interaction, interrogation, and improvisation of meaning derived from the reader's embodied and textual experiences, tackling crucial features of the comics form, and their impact on such issues as viewpoint, temporality, abstraction, metacommentary, and transmediation. The proposed multimodal cognitive poetics applies to narrative and art comics, in both print and digital media.本书揭示了读者与多模态文本在整个阅读过程中的动态相互作用,包括互动、质疑和即兴创作的机会,这些机会来自读者的具身和文本体验,探讨了漫画形式的关键特征,以及它们对视点、时间性、抽象、元评论和跨媒介等问题的影响。所提出的多模态认知诗学适用于印刷和数字媒体中的叙事和艺术漫画。


Front Matter 


1 Introduction

2 How to Talk about Comics and Not Fear Them: Literacies, Fallacies, and Modalities

3 Multimodality and Cognition: Perception, Knowledge Networks, and the Construction of Meaning

4 Paneling Construal and Viewpoint: Abstractions, Bodies, and Synesthetic Forms

5 Expanded Viewpoint Networks: Metonymies, Metaphors, and Other Blends

6 Temporalities: Metaphors, Modalities, and ArrangementsGet access

7 Spatial Conceptualizations: Layout as Viewpoint and Narrative Strategy in The Underwater Welder

8 Abstraction and Experimentation in Comics: Improvisation and Meaning

9 Conclusions and Extensions: Expanding Multimodal Cognitive Poetics through Digital Comics

End Matter 




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